
Mar 11, 2011
The team at ARG extends a warm welcome to Dr. Kamps, our newest specialist in High Urethane Rapid Resolution processes and procedures.

Jan 24, 2008
VP Awarded
Amir Noub, VP of Beaumont Leys Alkaloid Research Group, was awarded a certificate for excellence in local business by the Mayor's Office.

Contact Info
Allied Research Group
Beaumont Leys, Leics.
Email: info@argblarg.com

PostHeaderIcon Welcome to Allied Research Group

Promoting Excellence in Pharmacology

Allied Research Group (ARG) is a leading provider of early clinical, pharmacodynamic and niche late stage research services.
Formerly known as Beaumont Leys Alkaloid Research Group, ARG has a history of commitment to late stage clinical trial conduct for alkaloids and tropanes, with our focused therapeutic experience and unique models developed and validated in our own Environmental Exposure Chambers.

Our Facilities

From Type A to Type F clinical studies, research, and analysis, ARG offers comprehensive services including scientific and regulatory consultation, protocol development, quality assurance, data management, PK/PD/statistics, and medical writing.
More information is available in Rapid Resolution

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ARG and our constituents and partners work together in synergy to provide impeccable standards of service excellence to our client base.

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ARG strives to respond sensitively and with commitment by changing our business practices to address the challenges of today with the latest methods available.

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Excited by the constant search for innovation, we at ARG undertake our quest with the enthusiasm of personal involvement.